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We envision a world where advanced micropropagation technology enables the production of abundant, resilient crops that are accessible to all. This will ensure food security, alleviate resource competition and promote a sustainable, harmonious global community.

With our academic and hands-on expertise in advanced micropropagation technologies, we develop novel in vitro strategies to overcome bottlenecks in plant cloning and strive to discover the unexpected.

About our Plants

We aim to deploy our passion and expertise in micropropagation to clone the ideal plant with the following desired characteristics:

Stefaan Werbrouck

Prof. Stefaan Werbrouck heads the Laboratory for Applied In Vitro Plant Biotechnology at Ghent University. He has more than 30 years of expertise in plant tissue culture and has investigated many aspects of its main sub-domains. The central motivation of his international team members is to provide innovative solutions for cloning a wide variety of superior woody and herbaceous plants.  Novel in vitro strategies based on cytokinine- and auxin-related compounds, nano-delivery systems, LEDs and transgenic reporter plants are being developed and applied to achieve breakthroughs in recalcitrant crop species. His lab collaborates globally with companies and research groups familiar with local plant species to find long-term solutions and discover the unexpected.

About us

Prof. Stefaan Werbrouck as chairman of CopyTree - Conference on Innovative Woody Plant Cloning, Santiago de Compostela (2023) © 

"Our research is dedicated to all aspects of plant in vitro culture. Although our knowledge covers the vast majority of applications of this technology, our research team focuses on the 6 following research domains."

- Stefaan Werbrouck -

With Impact

From Cuba to Kenya and from Belgium to Tunisia


Over 118 publications

in high impact factor scientific journals.

plant science
propogation of ornamental plants1
Journal of Plant Biotechnology
journal of plant growth regulation
journal of eperimental botany


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University of Sfax
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