About the Course
This course is an introduction to a number of edible and non edible horticulture crops and their generative and vegetative propagation techniques.
Prof. Stefaan Werbrouck
Crop science: Overview of main crops: scientific name, botanical features, specific physiology, culture, plant diseases and end products
Propagation: generative propagation techniques (seed morphology, physiology and technology). and vegetative propagation (cutting and grafting)
Plant chimeras: Types, origin, possibilities, problems
Vegetables: introduction
Trees: recognizing and naming
Sowing, cutting, grafting of ornamentals and vegetables, observation of growth and development in fytotron.
Modern companies specialised in sowing, cutting or grafting
1 KNOWLEDGE & INSIGHT: To define horticultural terminology
2 KNOWLEDGE & INSIGHT: To use a correct scientific plant nomenclature
3 KNOWLEDGE & INSIGHT: To evaluate pro en contras of generative and vegetative multiplication
4 KNOWLEDGE & INSIGHT: To recognize vegetables and to discuss basic features and culture
5 KNOWLEDGE & INSIGHT: To recognize and name trees
6 KNOWLEDGE & INSIGHT: to have insight in plant chimeras
7 SKILLS: To be able to sow, propagate by cuttings and graft plants
8 SKILLS: To critically evaluate classical propagation techniques